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Polymesh news
June 28, 2023

Polymesh is upgraded to 5.4.1

With the latest 5.4.1 upgrade, transaction fees and protocol fees on Polymesh will now go 100% to Node Operators instead of split between Node Operators and the Polymesh Network Treasury.

With the latest 5.4.1 upgrade, transaction fees and protocol fees on Polymesh will now go 100% to Node Operators. Previously, there was an 80%/20% split between the Polymesh Network Treasury and Node Operators.

This upgrade increases the decentralization of Polymesh and encourages Node Operators to join the ecosystem.

For more information on POLYX, transaction fees, and protocol fees, view the tokenomics page.

5.4.1 will also fix a small bug where the wrong DID is emitted as the fee payer when using the relayer.

Changes can be found in this pull request: https://github.com/PolymeshAssociation/Polymesh/pull/1479

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