The Polymesh minor upgrade to 7.0 introduces new features, updates, and performance improvements to Polymesh. Read on for an overview of new features and enhancements.
We’re excited to announce Polymesh v7, the next major release that introduces new features, updates, and performance improvements to Polymesh.
Read on for an overview of new features and improvements.
Polymesh no longer requires each asset to have a unique ticker. Instead, each asset is assigned a unique AssetID when created. A unique ticker can be linked to the AssetId during or after creation. This change impacts storage and APIs, as AssetID will uniquely identify assets instead of tickers.
A more recent upstream version of the Staking pallet improves efficiency and introduces modifications to the election process. Tokenomics and inflation are unaffected.
Optimized storage of secondary keys and their associated permissions improves the efficiency of these lookups for extrinsics.
The MultiSig implementation has been updated to simplify the association between MultiSigs and their Identities. It now provides flexibility in specifying which key pays for MultiSig signer transactions and consolidates the behavior of MultiSig keys with other keys.
Settlements in Polymesh no longer require a Venue ID, simplifying peer-to-peer transactions that don't go through an exchange or matching venue.
Find the full release notes for Polymesh v7.0.0 on Github: